+61 (8) 9583 2428

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Truth, Pride and Friendship

Principals' Message 2024

Greetings to all members of the Riverside Schools community and to online inquirers visiting our website for the first time. Since Riverside Education Support Centre opened in 1995, we have excelled at the provision of education for a diverse range of students and 2024 will see us continuing to strive for excellence in support of every single student.

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RESC with starRiverside ESC humbly receives and shares with you a selection of the many expressions of appreciation for our professionalism, staff and programs. It is our privilege to serve this community as educators and mentors of your children, equipping them with choice, ability and a strong sense of well-being.

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Enrolment Map

Riverside Education Support Centre receives enrolments throughout the year for classes ranging from Kindergarten through Pre-Primary to Year 6. All students who meet the enrolment criteria are welcomed. Unlike the enrolment boundaries that apply to public schools, the only distance limitations for enroling at Riverside ESC are those imposed by transportation practicalities.

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In Summary

Riverside ESC’s emphasis throughout the educational journey is on shared learning: the children, the family and education staff learn from each other and together we make progress that ultimately benefits each and every child.

Riverside Education Support Centre offers classes ranging from Kindergarten through Year 6. Children qualify to attend Riverside ESC after being assessed for any of the following:

  • Intellectual Disability diagnosed by a psychologist and according to the DSM5 Criteria
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder with identified High Educational Needs
  • Global Developmental Delay (when diagnosed in the 12 months preceding Kindy enrolment)
  • Severe Mental Health disorder in some instances (please contact the Principal for details around this criteria)
  • Some complex physical conditions may be eligible and should be discussed with the Principal for guidance.

Enrolments at Riverside ESC are not restricted by the enrolment boundaries that apply to mainstream public schools (see map of enrolment locations). Classes are generally composite, made up of children at different year levels. Our classes take into consideration varying learning abilities, behavioural challenges and requirements for hygienic and medical support, enabling the best possible distribution of teacher and staff resources.

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Our Story


This year commenced with another high enrolment, just one less that 2023, and numbers climbed to 86 by start of term 2. Anticipating continued demand the school arranged for the installation of its 11th classroom, ready for the start of 2024 for kindy and pre-primary students. 

2024 also commenced with the school review in week 2 of term 1, managed by the Department of Education as part of its compliance and accountability measures. As always, the school looks forward to each review as an opportunity for educational and organisational improvement.

The Schools Plus project "Student Profiling and Assessment" gets underway. Research includes visits to several metropolitan schools.


The year starts with 82 students enrolled, the school's highest start-up enrolment in 28 years. We continue with 10 classrooms.

A new school board, specific to the purposes of Riverside ESC is formed.

Teaching staff successfully apply for a Schools Plus Grant to research, analyse and iplement new assessment practices for students with learning disabilities. The study will focus on literacy and numeracy as priority subjects. The project will commence in 2024.


74 students were enrolled for Semester One (March 2022). Halfway through Semester two that number has grown to 80 students. New enrolment inquiries continue to be received on a regular basis, including from overseas.

The staff carpark expansion is a major asset improvement which was completed for the start of this year. Of benefit to the whole community, the expansion provides for safer carparking for staff while de-congesting street parking for parents and carers. A win for everyone.


Two years ago, Riverside ESC grew to 8 classrooms. This year, we are starting with 10 classrooms and an expanded team of teachers to educate 73 students. Our parent commendations depict some of the reasons for this continued growth.


Starting the year with a record startup enrolment of 70 confirmed students, that number has climbed to 76 as families seek out the professionalism and care that epitomises Riverside ESC. This is the year when COVID-19 impacted attendance. We are awed by the capacity of our students and staff who responded to adversity with flawless professionalism, enhanced creativity and good humour.

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Annual Report and School Reviews


As part of the compliance requirements set by the WA Department of Education (DoE) for Independent Public Schools, Riverside Education Support Centre undergoes regular whole-school reviews. The Department consider school efficiencies in the areas of Relationships and Partnerships, Learning Environment, Leadership, Use of Resources, Teaching Quality, and Student Achievement and Progress.

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Parent Surveys

Riverside ESC is committed to a journey of continuous improvement across all aspects of the school. Regular surveys of parents and carers, conducted as a voluntary and anonymous activity, helps to monitor and strengthen that commitment while also satisfying our governing requirements as an Independent Public School.

The 2023 Annual Survey, summarised below, has yielded valuable information that will be incorporated into future planning. 

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Business Plan

Strategic Planning at Riverside Education Support Centre responds to many influences, the most important being the identified learning capabilities of our student cohort. They are our 'treasure' and we invest everything possible into their wellbeing and development within the framework of an independent public school in Western Australia.

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Riverside ESC School Board

October 2023 marked the commencement of a new instrument of governance for our school. Previously serviced by a combined schools board, it emerged over the last twelve months that Riverside ESC would be better served by its own unique board.  This led to an inaugural meeting of the newly formed board on October 26.

During 2024, board members considered and approved a vision statement to guide its activities. The following statement was approved at the board meeting of 30 May:

We aim to support a safe, positive school where everyone is known and valued,

and where differing needs are acknowledged, accepted and met.

The School Board meets regularly to maintain an overview of operations for our school in accordance with Department of Education expectations and guidelines. Its activities are further guided by newly adopted Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct. Amongst other tasks it acts as a responsible partner in the planning, monitoring and reviewing of school priorities and policies.

The School Board also sets and approves annual voluntary contributions, personal items lists and endorses the schools’ development plans.

The elected chairperson for 2023-2025 is Mandurah East Ward Councillor Mr. Daniel Wilkins  (mandurah.wa.gov.au/council/about-council/mayor-and-councillors). He is supported by a team of elected community, parent and staff representatives, all of who will be introduced to the school community via the school newsletter.

Parents and carers of enrolled children are welcome to attend our Board meetings as visitors with the understanding that they will need to step outside when confidential matters are discussed. Attendance must be preceded by a request addressed to the principal. 

One of the meetings in each year is opened for all parents and carers of our community to attend. These "Open Board Meetings" provide an insight into the work of the board and opportunity for increased engagement with the whole school.

School Board Mandate

Riverside Education Support Centre School Board is comprised of community, parent and staff representatives. Members are nominated and elected for a 3-year term. Inquiries about joining the board or about our work are welcome.

Roles and Responsibilities of School Boards

The role of a school board is outlined in the School Education Act 1999. In essence, the role is one of contributing to the long term future for the school and maintaining oversight (not management) of the school’s operation. The board seeks to provide additional expertise to help achieve the best outcomes for all students.  This responsibility is independent of the running of the school which is the mandate of the principal.

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Riverside Primary School

Riverside Education Support Centre partners with Riverside Primary School (RPS) to provide an integrated learning environment for children of all abilities.

Contact RPS for information about enrolments and programs via their website at riversideps.wa.edu.au or by calling 08 9583 2400 during school office hours.

What's New

  • Students at Riverside ESC Embrace Classic Cars

    Variety brought their 2024 Creative Car Cruise to Riverside ESC last week, enthralling students and their families, and staff too. Students got to sit inside vehicles, pretend to drive, talk to owners and immerse themselves in the world of shiny fabulous vehicles.

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  • Let's Get VISIBLE

    Blind Sports WA, with the assistance of Telethon, City West Lotteries House and the City of Mandurah's Community Development Officer (Access and Inclusion), is bringing "Let's Get VISIBLE" to the Peel region in Term 2. 

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  • Mandurah Celebrates International Day of People with Disability

    The City of Mandurah invites you to come and celebrate the leadership and contribution of local people with disability and together build a more inclusive community. There is a wonderful program of events from November 30 right through to December 8.

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  • Inclusive Access to Mandurah's Christmas Experience

    The City of Mandurah's commitment to access and inclusion through the publication of Social Stories is opening up new opportunities for children with heightened sensitivities to participate in the forthcoming festive season. 

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